=== Weaver Theme === Contributors: wpweaver Tags: custom-header, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-menu, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, three-columns, two-columns, black, blue, brown, green, orange, red, tan, dark, white, light, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, editor-style Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0.4 Stable tag: 1.6 Weaver is a highly customizable theme with features for the beginner to the expert. == Description == The Easiest Way to Customize Your Theme! With Weaver, you are in control. Make your theme look just how you want by starting with one of over 20 included predefined themes. Use the simple "check-box" interface to easily change colors, fonts, the header and footer, menus, sidebars, theme width, and much more. Then, take control of your content by using the many per page and per post options, including unlimited custom widget areas. Among the many the page templates is "Pages with Posts" with Post selection filtering. Easy for the novice, yet comprehensive for the expert. Context sensitive help; compatible with Twenty Ten translations; WP Multisite; active support forum. = Donate = [If you like this theme please consider donating](http://wpweaver.info) = See Weaver Theme In Action = You can see Weaver in action at the Weaver Demo site: [demo.WPWeaver.info](http://demo.wpweaver.info "WP Weaver Demo") = Features = * Highly Customizable * Included over 20 predefined themes * Over 100 check-box settings * Based on Twenty Ten * Suitable for beginners to experts * Extensive Help documentation included = Notes = * Thanks to everyone for making this consistently one of the most popular free WordPress.org themes. = Translations = == Installation == * For Manual Installation, first switch to Twenty Ten Theme * Delete any older versions of Weaver * Download the Weaver .zip file * Head to Dashboard -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload * Browse to the .zip file you downloaded and click open * Click Install * Click Activate * You will now see an the Weaver Control Panel on the Appearance menu. * Customize! If you have any issues please post something here: [WP Weaver Forum](http://wpweaver.info/forum "WP Weaver Forum") == Frequently Asked Questions == n/a == Upgrade Notice == n/a == Changelog == = 1.6 * Initial version using the readme.txt file format == Screenshots == n/a Description: Easily customize your site look with this Twenty Ten inspired theme. Start with one of the many included predefined themes to use or tweak. Easily change colors, fonts, the header and footer, menus, sidebars, theme width, and more using a "check-box" interface. More advanced users can easily style virtually every page element with CSS rules, or use one of 7 custom code areas to create the perfect page content, including slide-show headers. Save and Restore your theme to a file to share or transfer. Supports all Twenty Ten user interface language translations. Works with WP Multisite. Active support forum and lots of help. You are in control!