=== Weaver Theme Change Log === Contributors: wpweaver Tags: custom-header, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-menu, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, three-columns, two-columns, black, blue, brown, green, orange, red, tan, dark, white, light, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, editor-style Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0.4 Stable tag: 1.6 == Change Log == This change log was started beginning with Version 1.6 = Changes Version 1.6 = * Greatly improved help system - many direct links to relevant help documentation * New Main Options ** Can put borders around only Top and Bottom Widget Areas ** Allow comments for attachment pages ** Hide Author info box ** Complete by item visibility control of Post information lines ** Option to include Search box on menu ** Option to include Log in link on menu ** No Home Menu Item ** Specify left and top margins for Title over Header Image ** Hide Featured Image as Header Image ** Hide Entire Footer ** Change Footer Widget Area Display Blocks * Option to include extra links with images on menu bar (for social links) * Added new page templates ** Page with Posts (4 versions) - will display posts, can define filter to select posts to show ** Sitemap * Per page settings ** Hide Page Title ** Hide standard widget areas ** Define per page top widget area ** Define Primary and Secondary sidebar replacement widget areas ** Per page and header insert code ** Make "Placeholder Page" - for empty, don't go anywhere, top level menu items. ** Options for Page with Posts * Per post settings ** Excerpt, full post control ** Featured image display ** Show author avatar * New sub-themes: The Grays, Kitchen Sink, Mist, Turquoise, Magazine * New site wide Top and Bottom widget areas - displays on both regular page and special post pages (archives, etc.) * Enhanced Featured Image Support for posts * Preview window now off by default * Improved theme compatibility with special post display pages - category, archive, etc. * Improved organization of Options screens, including new sub-menus * Added PIE script for IE rounded corners * Added simple 'Log in' widget * Changed handling of no widgets defined in Primary Widget Area - less confusing to user. * Added unfiltered_html capability handling * Enhanced Multi-site option control * [weaver_show_posts] shortcode * Hide sidebars on a per page basis * Support for custom Continue reading... * Gallery Post Format support for WP 3.1 * Fixed broken [gallery] shortcode support * Possible incompatibilities ** Changed order of things in #header div - top menu and site title are now before #branding div instead of inside it. ** Changed how "Use SEO plugin instead" option works - use just "wp_title('');". ** Changed behavior of [gallery] shortcode - will support column specification. = Changes Version 1.7 = This is for Weaver 1.7 * Changed theme name to Weaver * Fixed final IE 7 incompatibility - now fully IE compatible! * Changed all internal function names to weaver_ for new theme stub name. * Fixed all textarea output escaping and input filtering, including for post/page edit screens. * include of Weaver .css file now via enqueue style function * improved wording on bad extra widget inclusion Known Incompatibilities * Advanced settings might have \" in them that will need to be manually fixed. * Slider theme 1.5 not compatible - need to switch to Slider 1.7 = Changes Version 2.0 = * changed to two options arrays, weaver_main_settings, weaver_advanced_settings - interface to SAPI * New distinction between theme settings and per site settings. Saving/restoring a theme only changes theme related settigns (except My Saved Theme). * My Saved Theme will become a Save Everything to a file -- not exactly same as before, but probably what people really need. * Theme Margin option * Tiny Author Avatar option * Hide sidebars on archive-like post pages option * New Blank Table option * Always access files via file path, never http: - Removed upload from URL option * Update documentation * Added dynamic page/post editor styling * Import old Weaver Version Settings * Slight change to Per Post Display as Full Post option * Basic validation on many Main Option fields * New .pot file * Reset file timestamps * Fixed IE 7/8 support bug * Alternative Sidebar replacement option * Added WP NaviPage support * Added per post styling * Added radius for rounded corners * Added superfish menu features * Fixed bug for archive-like full post display * Added clear:both at end of static page part of PWPs. * Removed unneeded z-index from PIE styling (now works with NextGEN). = Changes Version 2.1 = * Wrap weaver_page_menu_args with conditional so child can do it instead * Fixed bug with unnecessary call to loop in wvr-wphead thanks to Matt @ http://subscribe2.wordpress.com * Added support for Weaver Plus in several places * Added Pop Up template * Added shortcode support for add html to menu * Revised Admin Panel to use more submenus on Main and Advanced Options pages * Added Disable Visual Editor per post/page * Fixed visited/hover link styling order - been broken a LONG time. * Fixed 404 for bullets on admin panel list * Route all I/O through weaver_f_ functions for possible change to file I/O * allow multisite admins to add